Why We Do Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is funny: Most developers hesitantly agree we should do it more often. Yet, I rarely see a whole team doing it. It seems to me, most of us still don’t understand why it is so powerful. As a result, some of us still reject it...

A Story About Failure In Software Projects

This is a story about failure. Think about anything that can go wrong when building software. In our last project, we made almost every mistake you can think of. But this is also a story about how to learn from failure. And I learned what separates good management...

Why Companies Fail To Attract Tech Talents

Every once in a while, one of these recruiting wisdom re-posts pops up in my Linkedin Feed that tells me to „hire for attitude, not for skills“. I understand why most people like the idea. How awesome would it be, if you could hire virtually everyone and...