How To Integrate Prettier In Your CI

I am a big fan of Prettier and we have been using it for almost 6 months now in all our SFDX projects. A local install of Prettier is great, but the real magic happens when you integrate it into a CI job. This post shows how to integrate Prettier into CircleCI (but...

A Next-Generation CircleCI Orb For SFDX

We have been using SFDX and CircleCI for quite some time now to automate our Salesforce deployments. Over time, our bash scripts to manage packages, verify Scratch Orgs, and scale test execution grew more and more in complexity. Now is the time to put everything into...

Why Companies Fail To Attract Tech Talents

Every once in a while, one of these recruiting wisdom re-posts pops up in my Linkedin Feed that tells me to „hire for attitude, not for skills“. I understand why most people like the idea. How awesome would it be, if you could hire virtually everyone and...

A Library To Mock SObject Records

If you plan to write solid unit tests in Salesforce, you won’t get around mocking sobjects. A solid testing strategy needs a powerful library to mock sobject records. This allows you to write loosely coupled tests without the need to insert records into the...

Solve „Unable To Lock Row“ Error In Tests

There seems to be a soft limit for E2E tests in Salesforce. Once you hit it, your tests will start to fail with the dreaded „unable to lock row“ exception. This is one of the nastiest errors you can encounter, especially in tests. It’s hard to debug...

Salesforce SFDX CI With Rollback On Fail

There is one thing I love most about SFDX: The possibility to automatically rollback, if your continuous integration (CI) pipeline fails. This greatly decreases the probability for your developers to break your build pipeline. As a result, they are less likely having...